F4N status means that our company has rigorously demonstrated its capability to support the power infrastructure needs of the global civil nuclear industry.

The Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (Nuclear AMRC) has granted Prism Power Group accreditation to the Fit for Nuclear (F4N) standard.
The assessment process, whilst devised specifically for the Nuclear sector, can be considered amongst the most stringent supply chain assessments and demonstrates Prism Power Group’s continued focus on high quality products and excellent customer service.
The Nuclear AMRC is a collaboration of academic and industrial partners from across the nuclear supply chain, with the mission of helping UK manufacturers meet the necessary requirements in order to supply their solutions within the UK and worldwide.
F4N status means that our company has rigorously demonstrated its capability to support the power infrastructure needs of the global civil nuclear industry.
The F4N endorsement provides our customers the additional independent reassurance that Prism Power Group meets the strictest benchmark expertise and standards in providing premium quality power solutions and services that are paramount for working with the nuclear industry, and subsequently the required standards of any mission critical application.
Keith Hall, Managing Director for Prism Power Group has said;
"The granting of F4N status has been the culmination of several months of rigorous assessments and demonstrations of our capabilities at Prism Power. Together with our accreditation to BSI ISO9001:2015, OHSAS18001 Health & Safety, ISO14001 Environmental Management standards, gaining F4N reinforces our position as one of the world’s most compliant, adept and trusted manufacturers of bespoke specialist electrical power solutions for critical environments.
We would like to thank the Nuclear NAMRC and its partners for their help and supporting Prism Power Group in attaining this accreditation. We look forward to the opportunities that the F4N status will present and working with the Nuclear sector at this exciting time of development."
For more information on the Nuclear AMRC click here.